List of all pages for the topic 'Calculations'
Calculation of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar
Detailed description of the calculation of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar.
Calculation of Orthodox Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar
Detailed description of the calculation of Orthodox Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar.
Calculation of Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar
Detailed description of the calculation of Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar.
Calculation of Easter Sunday online
An online calculation of Easter Sunday in the Gregorian calendar.
Chronological Cycles
Chronological signs, characteristic marks, and other unique church numbers found in old calendars, are now considered obsolete.
Golden number
In this 19-year lunar cycle, 235 phases of the moon alternate nearly perfectly.
Solar cycle
This solar cycle is composed of a continuously numbered series of 28 years, where all the years that form an identical match in week order are marked.
Dominical letter
To create the list of Dominical letters, a cycle was composed of the first seven letters of the alphabet (A - G).
The indiction is a number indicating how many times a given year appears in the order of a fifteen-year long, constantly recurring cycle.
Gaussian algorithm for calculating Easter Sunday
A reconstruction and analysis of the Gaussian algorithm for calculating Easter Sunday. An attempt to improve the algorithm.
Carter's algorithm for calculating Easter Sunday
A reconstruction and analysis of Carter's algorithm for calculating Easter Sunday.